Do you have your own web store and would you like to expand your clientele and increase your revenue? Use the power of eBay and Amazon! You will be amazed of the reach of these websites and what they can mean for your additional revenue. Many satisfied entrepreneurs tried it before you! With our EAN numbers you can truly offer EVERYTHING on these platforms. Even your own imported, self-made articles or services!

Why would you buy with us?

We know what we are talking about! With us you do not buy “fake” EAN numbers which are converted from UPC (USA numbering) to EAN. You can recognise a converted UPC number by its first digit, a zero. A genuine EAN number NEVER begins with a zero. So don’t buy a pig in a poke and order with us, satisfaction guaranteed!

We have long experience using EAN numbers for selling on Amazon, eBay etc. We do not have any secrets, whereas others do not have any contact options except for email, you can call us or ask your questions via the chat function at the bottom right corner of the page. You can pass by too of course, we have a physical location in Broek op Langedijk. We are also part of the Webwinkel label for safe ordering on the Internet. So order your EAN numbers quickly and securely at!

Therefore now available on! Recognised and unique EAN13 numbers for free use on the Internet. Would you like to sell you own (imported) articles on eBay, Amazon, eBay, or Google Shopping but your articles do not have EAN numbers? We have the solution! You can order 1 to 10,000 EAN/UPC/GTin numbers at once with us. These are officially approved UNIQUE EAN numbers (unique numbering is very essential to eBay, Amazon ,etc.) which you can place without any trouble on your articles and upload them for adding new articles. The purchased EANs can be used immediately in your product feed. You do not have to register anything. Immediately after the purchase you receive an Excel file in your email with the numbers you purchased. We would like to again stress that these are unique and hence issued only once. You decide yourself which EAN number will be placed with which article. Sorting is therefore not necessary. We can also provide you with bar code images. With this you can print the barcodes and use them in your own system in order to scan them. We can also provide you with the physical stickers!

The EAN numbers I bought at another company do not work on eBay or Amazon.
This is a complaint we often hear. Numbers you purchased elsewhere often begin with a zero and are composed of 12 digits. From us you will receive numbers which consist of 13 digits. These are accepted by all websites.

Where can you use our EAN numbers?
You can use these on many web stores and many other companies that ask for such numbers which only accept EAN or ISBN numbers (ISBN has been equal to EAN since 2007). E.g.:

  • eBay
  • PriceMinister
  • iTunes
  • Google Shopping (GTIN-Nummern)
  • Rakuten

What is EAN?
EAN stands for European Article Numbering. The EAN code is a unique combination of digits including the so-called Checksum (verification) number by which, for example, products and production-units are identified. EAN is applied worldwide as an article coding in stores for cash register and stock administration. You find this code under the barcode of a product. Each EAN has to be unique and refer to only one object (article, shipping unit…) Imagine, you sell a T shirt in various colours and sizes, in this case every combination needs to have a unique EAN. There are some other definitions besides EAN which mean the same thing. It is also called UPC or Gtin. EAN, EAN13, UPC, Gtin, it all comes down to the same thing.

Can’t I make numbers up myself or take an existing number and just “tally them up”?
No, this is not possible. EAN numbers possess a certain logic and order. When these are not correct, eBay or Amazon or whichever company will not allow you to use this number. We advise you to use our numbers only on online platforms.

Is it legal?
Yes, the numbers we sell are 100% legal to use.

Why would you order EAN numbers with

  • Necessary for selling new (self-made) products on various web stores
  • Member of the Webwinkel Label
  • 9.5 average evaluation number of the Kiyoh customer evaluation
  • 13 digit EAN numbers
  • Years of experience
  • We know our business
  • Accessible customer service via telephone, email and chat
  • Low prices
  • Unique numbering for each customer/purchase
  • Unlimited validity
  • One-time costs, so NO subscription costs!
  • Delivered immediately after you round up your order